Cage needed the models lumped together quick as you like to use in our 3D animatic, So Monster 2 has come to a hasty conclusion today, He's missing 2 inner mouths, but the good news is everything seems to have come together not too badly
I realised after investigating my mouth modelling techniques that i may have made it more difficult than strictly necessary for myself to give him teeth. So, i went back a few steps and opened the mouth of Happy head like he was in a dentist's chair...
I made gums by using poly cubes and then shaping to fit the roof and floor of the mouth using the lattice deformer.
Extruding the teeth...
That way i could work with the teeth/ tongue outside the model and then pop them back into the head like dentures. They were then combined with the head and that whole head was duplicated. Then it was just a case of attaching all the heads, mirroring geometry, snapping points, latticing Derp's eyes to fit his skull etc. etc. (I make it sound so off hand, yet I type this at 20:25 on a Monday, the only animator left in the village)
Voila! turn-arounds!
Some close ups of those happy happy chappies
And a smoothed view of the gang
I'll be tweaking him a bit in the coming days and then i may attempt a bit of detailed sculpting.